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Tips From the Ultimate Travel Strategist
WHAT'S IN YOUR BAG? By HILARY POTKEWITZ Some people travel the world looking for undiscovered beaches, vacation spots or cultural...

A Clockmaker Marks Time at Home
DREAM SPACE By HILARY POTKEWITZ If Erik Ulfers can’t sleep, he won’t just lie there staring at the clock. He’s more likely to take one...

House Calls Get Complicated When the Patient Is a Horse
WHAT'S IN YOUR BAG? By HILARY POTKEWITZ Ric Redden always has about a half-dozen horseshoes with him. They’re not for good luck. Like...

An Ice Dancer Keeps Her Skates Close and Packs for the Cold
WHAT'S IN YOUR BAG? By HILARY POTKEWITZ No matter where Meryl Davis is heading for her next gig, she knows the job site will be cold and...

A Magician and His Travel Bag
WHAT'S IN YOUR BAG? By HILARY POTKEWITZ Back in his hotel room after every performance, Ryan Oakes methodically goes through all his...

What a Mountain Guide Packs to Climb the World’s Highest Peaks
WHAT'S IN YOUR BAG? By HILARY POTKEWITZ When Edgar Parra travels for business, he usually eats about three Snickers bars a day. He’s got...

On the Road With 200 Years of American History
WHAT'S IN YOUR BAG? By HILARY POTKEWITZ Seth Kaller usually travels with an original copy of the Declaration of Independence in his...

How a Molecular Biologist Prepares for Fieldwork
WHAT'S IN YOUR BAG? By HILARY POTKEWITZ Some people light incense in the shower to set a mood. Tracie Seimon uses it for protection: The...
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